02-Oct-2024 09:40 PM
Patna, Oct 2 (Reporter) Poll strategist-turned-politician Prashant Kishor on Wednesday launched his new party 'Jan Suraj', with a technocrat and former IFS officer Manoj Bharti as its working president, for providing strong political alternative, having vision to change the existing system in Bihar.
Kishor popularly known as PK, who was leading his ' Jan Suraj ' mission for the last two and half years in Bihar, launched it as new party with Manoj Bharti as its working president.
The new party coming into existence, would provide strong political alternative in Bihar having vision to change the existing system and improve the conditions of all sections of the society in the state, within stipulated time frame, he promised.
"As I had earlier declared not to become party president and not taking any position in the party, I am announcing Manoj Bharti as working president of ' Jan Suraj ' and full fledged president would be elected in March next year", he announced amid thunderous response from large number of supporters present at Veterinary College ground in Patna.
Bharti was also ambassador in four countries including Belarus, Ukraine and Indonesia during his stint in IFS , he informed.
Kishor while unfolding his road map for a new Bihar, said that five important works would be done to achieve the goal of changing quality of life of all sections of the society including women, youths, farmers and old persons. He listed education, land and capital as important tools to accomplish the job of changing fates of people of the state.
"If quality education is provided to students of Bihar, their chances of getting jobs would improve immensely", PK said adding that liquor ban would be lifted within one hour of "Jan Suraj " coming to power in Bihar and revenue earned against taxation on liquor would be used to improve quality of education and make it world class.
As per conservative estimate, more than four lakhs crores would be roped in as resources from tax on liquor in next 20 years, which would be used for improving the quality of education in Bihar, he said.
Revenue earned against taxation on liquor would be spent completely on education and it would not be included in budget, he declared.
Out of total Rs 4,61,000 Crores deposited in banks of Bihar by people of the state, only Rs 1,61,000 crores was disbursed as loan while remaining Rs 3 lakh Crores was disbursed as loans to people outside Bihar", Kishor said adding that such kind of scenario would be changed if his party was voted to power.
His party would ensure disbursal of loans of Rs 2.5 lakhs at the rate of 4 percent per year to improve entrepreneurship among people for employment, he promised. It would open vast opportunities for employments to check migration to other states in search of livelihood, PK said.
Kishor said that old people above the age of 60 years, would be given monthly pension of Rs 2000. Farming in Bihar would be converted as sources of earning with rolling out land reforms, he added.
"Those opting alternative farming from paddy and wheat, would be provided free labourers so that their income could increase", the poll strategist said adding that free labourers would be provided to such farmers under MGNREGA after amending the existing rules.
PK said that tenure of party president would be of one year while leadership council would have tenure of two years. There would be provision in party constitution of right to recall the elected MLAs or MPs by two third majority of leadership council concerned if they were found to be indulged in corrupt practices, he announced. No othe party in the country had provision in its constitution relating to right to recall the elected MLAs or MPs, he stated.
Kishor declared that his newly floated would contest by-elections for four assembly seats to be held in November this year in Bihar. "Jan Suraj" would win all four assembly seats, he claimed...////...