Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav said that a grand memorial will be established in Bhopal in honour of Sant Shiromani Acharya Shri 108 Vidyasagar Ji Mahamuniraj. Addressing the devoted disciples gathered for Guru Vandana at the Guru Gunanuwad Sabha, organized in the Vidhan Sabha premises on the first Samadhi Smriti Divas of Vidyasagar Ji Maharaj, Chief Minister Dr. Yadav extended his heartfelt greetings on behalf of the state government. He emphasized that Acharya Vidyasagar Ji meticulously followed all the essential rules of saintly life. Through his deep connection with nature, his austere lifestyle, selfless service to humanity, and invaluable guidance to society, he was revered as a deity during his lifetime. His personality transcended words like penance, restraint, sacrifice, service, and dedication.