12-Mar-2024 09:50 PM
Chennai, mar 121 (Reporter) Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K.Stalin urged Minister of External Affairs
Dr.S.Jaishankar to take steps to secure the immediate release of the 22 apprehended fishermen
from the State and their fishing boats by the Sri Lankan Navy:
In a Demi-Official letter to Dr Jaishankar, he sought his urgent intervention in a matter of great
concern that affects our country's fishermen.
The Sri Lankan Navy apprehended three mechanised fishing boats (two registered in Tamil Nadu
and one registered in Puducherry) along with 22 fishermen in two separate incidents on March 10.
"As you are aware, our fishermen have been fishing in the traditional waters adjacent to our nation
for generations. It is the only source of their livelihood", he said.
However, in recent months, our fishermen are being harassed, arrested and their vessels are also
being detained, in alarming numbers, Mr Stalin said, adding, these detentions have not only caused
immense distress to the affected fishermen and their families, but have also severely disrupted their
only source of livelihood.
"Given the sensitivity of this matter, I appeal to you to intervene swiftly and decisively to secure the
immediate release of our fishermen and their boats", he said...////...